Friday, May 28, 2010
The consequence of this is that we will not be able to 'Land' in Canada when we go out for a Holiday on 22/7.
What this all means in layman's language, is that there is some kind of shadow on his x-ray and CHC want to cover themselves and make sure that he doesn't have anything serious that has caused this. They certainly don't want anyone in Canada that has TB.
G'man has never had TB, nor is he aware of anything else, but this causes us more expense of £150 for the cultures, £50 for the repeat x-ray and the added expense of having to fly out to land before 24/4/11 if we get visas at the the end of this further testing.
.......And before you think that we should be worrying.....lots of people recently have had this happen to them and have written about it on, and not one of them have come back saying that they have done the cultures and had a further x-ray only to find that they have something serious wrong with them, not one! so I am not immediately worrying....just frustrated by yet a further delay and great expense
Monday, May 24, 2010
The waiting game
The first part was to have the chest x-rays taken, (to check for TB or other shadows that may require further investigation), which were done in a side building of Mayday hospital. Ordinary members of the public were there too but after booking us in we were whisked through as if of high importance. Our x-rays were £50 each.
4 in-and-outs later and we drove a few blocks away to the medical practice (known as a designated medical practice). Practices such as these charge huge amounts to do the required testing for immigration purposes for other countries. Ours were £150 each and £80 for Gadgetgirlie due to her age.
We were assigned 20 minutes each and had blood and urine taken to test for aids and syphyllis, then we were asked a zillion and one questions about our health and medical history.
I had to answer a few extra questions about Gadgeteen and hand some reports in then that was it.
Now we wait again for the next brown envelope to fall on the door mat. Either it will demand more reports on something to do with our medicals.......or it will be a request for our passports to be sent in so that shiny visas can be put in them......this is of course what we hope for more than anything else right now....
Saturday, May 08, 2010
Over the Edge Rally
Our friend coming too, she'd been to the 3B's rally before but NOTHING like this rally with big exposure to bikers in fancy dress with a difference.
The moment that GadgetGirlie realised that she had left her bag of clothes in her bedroom at home!
Lots of dressed up or down bikers.
Seeing the dutch/belgian or german guy who was over 7' tall, struggling to walk around in 6" high stiletto boots.
Stan and Jane in a different outfit every half an hour or so.
Stan getting a bucket of water chucked over him whilst in the stocks by Gadgetman.
Watching PDQ...a local band with a VERY nice looking lead singer, who could sing fabulously and was very sexy. Seeing The Alma Boobies play again this year, a very tight all girl/3 sisters band, who were all gorgeous too.
Dancing with the Very nice looking leading singer of PDQ whilst the Alma Boobies were playing. Licking cream off a young mans nearly-naked body in the silly games.
Seeing Annette come back after winning a raffle prize.......a purple vibrator! Well, okay, I'll look after it!
Seeing Gadgetgirlie on the stage being sung 'Happy Birthday' to by 1200 bikers, as happens every year.
Seeing Gadgetgirlie blow the candles out on her birthday cake made by Gadgeteen and his girlfriend.....