Friday, May 12, 2006

You're gonna get a letter

His shoulders were already slumped as he came in from school and flopped onto the settee.

He knew that he’d let us down.

“So what happened then?”

Well…after school I met my mate in Kingston, and you’re gonna get a letter.”

Silence ensued as we waited for more.

“Yeah and um, me and my mate went to the 99p store and nicked some chewing gum and a can of hair spray each. We were hungry.”

More silence.

“And um, we walked down the road and a man, I think he was security, took us back to the store and we gave the stuff back and um, (big sigh emanates), then a policeman came and told us to get out of Kingston and that if he saw us again then he would nick us and we got banned from the 99p store forever, so you’re gonna get a letter. I’m sorry.”

Oh my God.

Not only that but he then went on to tell us that they,

1) had pre-planned the whole day and skived off school.
2) went to the skateboard park at Kingston. (Bushy Park).
3) bought travel cards and went to the Southbank and saw some people doing graffiti.
4) then went by tube, (“we went on a tram”), to Camden Market. (“I saw this cool schoolbag mum, can I go back and get it?”).
5) tried, what I think, was Amyl Nitrate.
6) had the best day ever.
7) scrounged tap water from Macdonalds, (“ And they even gave us ice, mum”).
8) and starved all day.

Help. I don’t want to be a mum anymore, it’s too hard!

So what d' ya do?

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