Saturday, May 13, 2006

Filled my boots & Gadgeteens 'time'

What's a girl to do when she gets home from work and no-one is in and the sun is shining?

Attend to the laundry pile?

Tidy the house?

Not this one, got all excited at just the thought, and a hastily scribbled 'Out for a ride' note later, I was gone and so was my Harley. She gleamed and kerfuffled happily and I felt very alive, and free to roam in my thoughts for a while.

Up at Newlands Corner I recognised a biker that I remember chatting to at Boxhill 16 years ago. He had a sportster back when I had my last one. Now he's got this 'M' reg Kawasaki W650, similar in looks to the old Triumph, unusual I thought, and quite attractive. We sat in the afternoon sun and swapped experiences with a coffee for a while.

On the way back I found a country lane to bumble along, not really caring where it took me, just going with the flow and filling my boots with memories.

Gadgeteen returned home soon after I did, and as we ate I told him of my phone call with his head teacher today regarding his truanting.

"We would like your son to come in with an old set of clothes each day next week, he will have to stay behind and 'weed' the grounds for an hour. Would you support us in this?"


"No way, I'm not doing it," says Gadgeteen, "I'd rather be punched in the face."

He'll come round and do his time but I can't say he'll feel able to laugh about it for at least 10 years...

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