Friday, March 10, 2006

My Babe

Took my Babe to work today, once again it was wet, but hey ho, she was already splattered with muddy rain from the ride earlier this week.

Oh most definately yes, yes this has been the right decision for me in my opinion but purely from a selfish point of view.

I have put this purchase off unselfishly for 9 years really. I had the money in savings back in 96, from the sale of my last Harley, but another story later and it all got used it to help support us during my 5 year career break, and since then, even though I've been back at work since 2000, there's always been a reason why I shouldn't really spend this kind of money just on the bike of my dreams.

I've got a horny bike again, and she's gonna be known as 'My Babe' to anyone I enthuse to. I did show her off a bit today. One guy at work reacted beautifully enthusiastically for me, wanted me to start her up so that he could sit on her, and asked some technical questions that I knew the answers to.

I do feel rather like an excited teenage girlie.

Can you imagine the thrill I feel when I click into gear, roar off down the road, and accelerate away? Very cautiously I may add, and with respect to others-bar sound, and even that is a consideration if I'm out late.

I like being responsible for my self and being in control of such a heavy large machine. I love the feeling of the exposure to the elements, the sound of the airflow through and around my helmet, the feel of wind pressing against my body, the sound of the rain against my helmet, no, perhaps not the rain- it's wet and slippery, and I won't go fast, I feel my body charged with physical power, resisting the pull against my hands holding firmly around the handlebar grips. The comfortable armchair-with-one-of-those-adjustable-foot- supports type position of the forward foot controls so that my legs are stretched out towards the front wheel, like I'm wrapping my lower half around the engine, the heat of which I feel against the inside of my legs....

Quite a thrill then....

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